Chocolate is native to Mexico. The Aztecs enjoyed a hot chocolate when the Spaniards explored Mexico. They've made with chocolate, honey, seeds, nuts and spices. This was not as sweet as hot chocolate we enjoy today, but it was enjoyed by the Aztecs and Maya royalty. Europeans love the chocolate and took it home with you. At the end of 1700 began to prepare with milk and sugar, so drink one more like what we enjoy today. In Europe, the chocolaterapidly becoming a favorite in the royal palaces. Special porcelain vases and glasses are specially designed for drinking hot chocolate. Today, these sets are collectors' items and sell for a lot of money, if they are complete.
Hot chocolate is still enjoyed in Mexico every day. They do it with cinnamon and authentic Mexican chocolate. If you can get a disk of Mexican chocolate in a local market, Latin, you can make it even more authentic. If you can not just use a pair of bitterChocolate. Even if you get some sweet Mexican chocolate, you'll notice that there is much coarser than the chocolate you are. One of the most important Mexican hot chocolate is the formation of foam. You can do this with a mixer or blender to make, but if you do it the authentic way, you can purchase online or kidnap the chocolate molinillo in many places. These tools are made of wood, originally developed in 1700 by the Spanish in Mexico. The molinillo isrotated back and forth between your hands, stir the chocolate until it is frothy.
Before the invention of the hot chocolate was made molinillo frothy by pouring back and forth between two cups. This tendency to simultaneously cool the chocolate, so if you want the chocolate is cool, use it to foam at the top of a blender or molinillo your chocolate. Soup made of chocolate cafes in May with their cappuccino machines. Most of us are not at home, so we settle forwhat tools we have at hand.
Authentic Mexican Hot Chocolate Recipe
This chocolate is rich and delicious spicy.
What you need
3 (1 ounce) squares unsweetened chocolate 6 cups milk 1 / 4 cup sugar 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1 / 4 teaspoon salt 1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 6 cinnamon sticks for garnish (optional), as
Break the chocolate squares into smaller pieces with a sharp knife.
Pour into a medium saucepan,Mixture of chocolate, sugar, milk, cinnamon and salt. Stir until chocolate is melted and the milk is very hot but not boiling. Add the vanilla and beat until the mixture becomes frothy. A rotary beater, blender or immersion blender works well throughout. Set on low, do not fly so hot chocolate in any kitchen.
Pour hot chocolate into cups and serve with a cinnamon stick.
It's 48 ounces
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